Both the garden and nature offer a multitude of edible flowers, and when you have now stood in the kitchen fondling a delicious dessert or cake, why not top off the taste experience with an impressive visual experience - it's simple, but the effect is great.
For this weekend's breakfast table, we have played with shades of yellow, purple and amber, and let the theme run through both the table setting, decorations and food. The edible flowers dahlia, sunflower and gladiolus are used as table decorations in the beautiful floating bubble vases , while cornflowers, mint and chamomile flowers give the food a colorful twist.
Play with a color theme. Keep the table in tone-on-tone shades or find some beautiful contrasting colors. Let the colors go again in both frames, food and decorations.
Experiment with different flowers. If all the flowers on the table are edible, the guests can also pick some from the vases.
Set aside time to make a little extra out of the table setting. You are allowed to express yourself creatively and your guests can feel extra valued.
You might not immediately think that garden flowers can be eaten, but you will be surprised that there are actually quite a few flowers in the garden that can be used in various ways in the kitchen - some are used for baking and candies, others mostly as decorations. If you don't have the flowers in the garden, you may be lucky to have a pick-your-own field nearby, where you can go (paid) foraging.
Dahlia is a seductively beautiful flower that comes in a multitude of colors, sizes and shapes. The dahlia is part of many gardens, which makes it an obvious addition to a dessert, a salad or as a decoration for your skyr, if you need to make a little extra out of your morning.
We are used to using sunflower seeds in baked goods, muesli, etc., but in fact you can also eat the beautiful brightly colored leaves of the sunflower. The leaves can also be dried and used as a summery twist on desserts during the dark months of the year.
While many flower petals taste quite neutral, eating gladiolus is a great taste experience. The sumptuous flowers are available in many beautiful colors and color combinations, and they are an obvious filling in a salad. They can even be filled with ice cream or used as decoration on the cake.
Regardless of whether you are interested in flowers or not, most people will probably be able to recognize lavender - if nothing else, then for the characteristic scent that is used in everything from soap to scented bags and tea. Lavender can also be used in a fresh summer lemonade or cocktail.
Purple Sunhat
One of the garden's most beautiful here in late summer is the purple sun hat. The perennial comes in many different colors and has strongly colored petals and an orange center. You can only use the beautiful petals, but they will brighten up both the garden and your salad.
Horn violet
The horn violet is a beautiful little perennial that comes back year after year and likes to spread far and wide on the terrace and in the garden. But it doesn't matter now, because in addition to enjoying the beautiful flowers already from early spring, the horn violet is edible, and gives a touch of summer to both the salad and the dessert - or as here on a round of freshly made French toast topped with a generous handful of blueberries from the garden.
Edible flowers from left: Chamomile, Dahlia, Cornflower, Sunflower, Gladiolus
Buy the vases here: Purple Standing Bubble - Amber Standing Bubble - Yellow Standing Bubble .
Nature has always been a source of many taste experiences and in the summer months it is obvious to use the walk to also look for edible flowers. The ones you don't use in the food, you can use in a small vase and bring a little of the summer's beauty inside.
The beautiful cornflower with the small pointed blue-purple leaves is a delight to the eye, but also has a slightly spicy taste that makes it obvious to use in cooking. You can experiment with a delicious, brightly colored spice butter or use it as a decoration - possibly on some small granola bowls with skim, just like on the breakfast table here.
It probably comes as no surprise that the chamomile flower is edible, because many of us have probably had a cup of chamomile tea on a day when the throat is a little sore. However, the flowers can also be used fresh in the tea, preferably with a little lemon. The simple flower buds can also easily be used as decoration on the fruit platter or dessert. However, you should be aware that there are two types of chamomile flowers - the fragrant type, which contains essential oils in the flower, which give the characteristic scent and taste, and a more neutral version without a scent. Both can be used, but the neutral one is largely tasteless, so go in search of the scented kind.
The mint grows wild, but is also part of many herb beds around the residential areas. Whichever variety you choose, the delicate leaves are bursting with its characteristic peppermint flavor. Use the leaves as a decoration together with some of the summer's berries or flowers or chop it finely and use it on top of some watermelon or orange - preferably with some chopped nuts on top.
The list of edible flowers is almost endless, so before you buy a ready-made package of flowers, check whether you should already have some edible flowers in the garden or on the balcony.
If you want to recreate the color theme of the breakfast table, you will find the beautiful colored Standing Bubbles glass vases here .
Edible flowers from left: Purple sun hat, lavender, gladiolus, horn violet.
Buy the vases here: Transparent Standing Bubble , Rose Standing Bubble , Purple Standing Bubble