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It's almost Christmas, and sometimes it's just hard to find the perfect Christmas present. It can often become a bit too monotonous and boring to give socks and gift cards year after year. Here you will get suggestions on how you can give Christmas presents that delight and are a little more personal, creative and different. These are easy do-it-yourself projects that add extra flair and an impressive look, and there are also gift ideas that you can give to your girlfriend, mother, grandmother or friend.


Our new GLASSWAR E series consists of both wine glasses and water glasses in several beautiful colors. They come in a set of two and are the perfect amount to give as a gift. This means that you can buy more if you want to give a larger number, but two pieces are also perfect as an extension or addition to your already existing collection. You can always give them as they are, but it's also nice to make a little extra out of it by unwrapping the glasses carefully and putting them in a nice box with a nice piece of fabric at the bottom. You can choose the gift recipient's favorite color for the glasses and choose whether you want to choose the wine glasses or the water glasses. The fabric is both nice and an extra gift in itself, but will also protect the glasses from clinking against each other and breaking in the box. Place a delicious bottle of wine, lemonade or juice in the box which can be enjoyed together with the glasses. In this way, you get a complete gift that is also personal. You can also use our ceramic cups from the same collection and create a cozy Christmas atmosphere by placing a nice bag of tea or coffee or a bottle of mulled wine in the box, possibly combined with a nice vintage silver spoon from recycling.


You can also make a similar gift with our fine ceramic bowls from our CLAYWARE series. Our ceramic bowls are two-tone, where the clay on the outside of the bowl is preserved and the inside is glazed in a different color. They therefore give a fine and delicious look. Buy some lovely wrapped caramels or candies to fill the bowl. Then tie a nice silk ribbon or fabric ribbon around the bowl itself or you can wrap the bowl in cellophane paper and tie the paper together at the top with a ribbon. The cellophane makes it look luxurious and impressive, and a full bowl always looks more inviting than one that is empty. You can also make homemade confectionery or chocolates instead of caramels.


Our Standing Plant Bubble glass vases are perfect for single flowers or a cutting, but with the vase's wide opening you can also create a small plant terrarium. The glass vase comes in several different colors and you can choose a color that matches the plants you put in to create a tone-on-tone look or experiment with different colored plants. Succulents are suitable as they are easy to care for and don't require much, but there are many plants in mini versions for you to explore. Put soil in the glass vase and plant the plants. Be careful not to put too many plants in the small glass vase so that it does not become too crowded. Optionally, decorate the top with small crystals or stones. You can also use our Hanging Plant Bubble , which is available in a larger version, so you can use more plants and create a floating plant terrarium. It will create a nice eye-catcher in the living room with a whole universe of plants in the air, and it will be a Christmas gift that will keep on giving.


If you have a creative soul, you can get down to business with a drawing, a collage or a flower print, which you can put in our FRAMELESS frames. The transparent frames give a light and elegant look if you hang them free-hanging so that they float in the air - hang them in the window or in a corner or hang them in the classic way on a wall. Regardless, the transparent acrylic frame gives a personal touch and you can create just the expression you want. Picture walls are popular, and with the acrylic frame you can create a change between the classic wooden frames. You can find more inspiration for how you can use the framework on our website.


If you have also jumped on the creative craft wave, you can sew or crochet your own napkins or cloths. Homemade gifts that you have spent time on are one of the best Christmas gifts you can get. Here you can use our beautiful paper flowers APPLE FLOWER to collect the cloths or tie around the napkins as a napkin ring, which gives a nice and feminine touch. The paper flower lasts forever and therefore you can use them again and again and in several different ways. With both the homemade cloth napkins and the paper flower, you also give a more sustainable gift that lasts longer and is versatile.

If you need to find a hostess gift for Christmas events, you can find inspiration in our article here.

You can also explore the rest of our universe on our site and get more ideas for the perfect Christmas gift.

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