In the picture, we have styled the Flower Tube and Standing Bubble vases.
The month of May has not had very many sunny days, which also means that the flora in the gardens is not at the same level as it can be in May. That should not stop us from finding a little free green luxury for the living rooms.
The favorite at Studio About in the month of May, are without comparison lilacs. If you are not the lucky owner of a syren, then it's just a matter of wearing your shoes, because they are found almost everywhere in the Danish nature.
Lilacs come in many different kinds, shapes and colors and have the finest light fragrance.
The picture shows an orange pansy, clematis Montana Rubens, purple lilac and a little golden rain. The vases are all from the Standing Bubble Tubes collection.
You don't need to pick a whole bouquet to bring spring in, pick a single or two flowers and place them in our small Standing Bubbles .
A few easy tips to make your lilacs last longer in a vase:
- Cut off the sorrel branch
- When you get home, hit the bottom 5-7 cm of the branch with a hammer, the branch may be completely stringy
- Then place them in very hot water
- Change the water when it becomes cloudy
- If you are going away for a longer period of time, they can be successfully placed in the fridge;)
Here is a small selection of the branches that are blooming now and which we like to bring into the living room.
- The apple trees, with their white and pink flowers
- The early rhododendrons are ready with buds and flowers
- Clematis/ Forest creeper, Montana Rubens are in full bloom
It is still a little too early for the summer flowers to bloom, but you can easily find beautiful alternatives for the vases and table settings. Here are our May favorites that are not often seen in a vase:
- Mint, it grows wild, takes root in the water and smells heavenly
- Honeysuckle, thin branches with soft green leaves.
- Rhubarb, the smaller red stems with their beautiful leaves are also suitable for placing in water.
From left: Late tulip, Forget-me-not, Clematis, Mountain knotwort, Lilac, Chocolate Mint
Forget Me Not
Forget it, the plant that with its fine name says it all - the delicate little delicate plant is not to be missed in the month of May. It shines brightly at the edge of the hedge, along paths and in beds. Forget-me-nots have small, graceful blue flowers and, in contrast to the family member Kærmindesöster, can be easily picked and kept indoors for a long time.
The wild-growing perennial Bjergknopurt is also worth planting in the garden, it starts early in the garden season and is one of the first plants to light up with its beautiful blue/purple flowers. It spreads diligently, but is easy to move around the garden. The butterflies love this plant as it has a high nectar value and is therefore good for biodiversity.
Clematis, Montana Rubens
Clematis is a creeper that can easily grow up to 5-8 metres. It must grow up from a trellis, a house or railing. Plant it in early spring or late autumn, it loves full sun but wants its roots in shade. Therefore, it is advantageous to plant roses or other ground cover around it.
Montana Rubens produces an incredible number of flowers that sit close to long flower tendrils. They pop out in late spring and are perfect in vases.
We love mint, which comes in many varieties, the versatile plant can not only be eaten, but is also good in bouquets. Mint blooms in midsummer and attracts many bees and insects to the garden.
If you want to know more about mint and how to use it as tea, read the article Green June favourites.
The bouquet in our yellow vase consists of, among other things, mildly fragrant lilacs, light purple chicory and biting buttercup, all of which are found in the Danish ditch edges.
It is only the imagination that sets limits and if you do not have a garden, it is obvious to go out of the blue with a pair of scissors in your pocket. Most ditch edges have beautiful plants that are perfect for the wild bouquet. If you want to read more about alternative bouquets, read the article Den vilde have.