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Behind Studio About are Mikkel Mikkelsen and Soffy Dombernowsky, who in addition to owning Studio About together, are also partners in private life.  

Studio About was established back in 2015. As a start-up company, you wear many hats. You are marketing manager, director, chief designer and sales manager. In recent years, they have hired external labor and employed people for the growing tasks. Today, Soffy is in charge of all day-to-day operations with a strong focus on brand and marketing, and Mikkel takes care of the design process. Read along here and get behind the scenes at an up-and-coming Danish design brand and hear more about everyday life as a female entrepreneur.

COMPANY: Studio About, founded in 2015. 

SOFFY: Co-owner and trained hairdresser and photographer 

MIKKEL: Co-owner and trained architect 

VISION: to create simple, aesthetic and functional interior objects in uncompromising quality.

This article focuses on Soffy Dombernowsky, who is in charge of the day-to-day operations.


Soffy is a trained photographer and editor. For many years, she has worked as a permanent freelancer at DR and later in the production industry. Today she is 36 years old, full-time self-employed, mother of 2 small children and dating Mikkel.


Since graduating, Soffy has always worked independently, so it was a natural step to join Studio About full-time.

"I am comfortable in something where I have control over my own time and love the uncertainty that also comes with it. You just have to fight a little extra for your work, and that gives you a huge drive. In addition to that, Studio About gives me flexibility in my everyday life, which is difficult to find in a permanent position. After all, being an entrepreneur is very much about making things work and seeing it grow. - Sophie


In a small company, there are many different tasks, and you have to acquire new knowledge in many areas along the way. Soffy's primary area is branding and marketing. These two focus areas are primary. The company will have to create a strong brand to draw attention to itself and for customers to identify with the products and thus want to be part of the universe that has now been created by us. At Studio About , we have a strong ambition to create a universe that you can be inspired by. That is why we often make articles with, among other things, DIY's, good ideas and exciting people.” - Sophie. 


Sometimes you feel like giving up! 

There will be days as a self-employed person when you just want to throw in the towel and stop, it will be easy to jump back into your old life and get a fairly steady income. For the first several years, there are long working days, and you are always at work, there is always something or other that needs to be fixed urgently. It requires an overview, surplus and an understanding circle of friends. There is a wildly delicious flexibility, but it is a widespread misconception that entrepreneurship equals freedom - at least not for the first several years.

"For me, it's hugely exciting, but also a tough journey, because it takes a really long time to build something up." - Sophie 


With an initial capital of only DKK 25,000, back in 2015 the company has quietly developed into what it is today - a company with enough capital to be able to develop new designs and strengthen the sales department, and to be in around 250 stores around in the world. 

"Sales are vital for the company, and we can't just focus on our designs, but we must constantly think about marketing and sales in everything we do." - Sophie 

Therefore, Soffy has now also been given the title of "boss", even though it does not come naturally to her to use it. In step with the company's success, the need arose for the delegation of tasks in order to grow. Going from being a small one-man army to having employees requires something extra, in particular you have to learn not to have a hand in everything. You have to train your employees to be able to manage themselves and trust that they have it under control. However, one of the most important tasks in relation to employees is that everything runs smoothly, and at all times ensure that the employees have what is needed to be able to solve the task in question.

"...there would be no Studio About if it weren't for the fact that we had talented employees, both regular and freelancers, who support us, believe in us and have helped us get to where we are today" - Soffy 


In the past year, the company has grown rapidly and has reached a size where it will be obvious to bring in stronger forces and expand the network. Therefore, it was obvious to say "yes" to Nordic Female Founders when they contacted Soffy earlier this year.

"Nordic Female Founders was founded in the fall of 2020 because our founders Anne Stampe Olesen and Mia Wagner could see that something needed to be done to increase diversity in Danish entrepreneurship. Female entrepreneurs did not have the opportunities the two founders believed they should have. 

The company was thus created on the desire to make a difference in Denmark. " - from NORDIC FEMALE FOUNDERS

Therefore, Soffy was over and pitched the company to their Invester Club and right now they are working behind the scenes on what will come out of this pitch. 

Becoming part of a larger network like Female Founders is important for the company's further development and having to pitch in front of such talented people required courage and a deeper insight into the company.


"As a company, we are of course reflected in other companies and startups. It's great to follow what's happening and how others approach entrepreneurial life. For example the talented JULIE DAMHUS , who has managed to create a large ceramics company under her own name with a clear presence and personal company DNA. Another talented woman is Bine Malund Lind, who owns the company STOFF NAGEL . We have actually become friends and meet often, where we talk a lot about our companies:)" - Soffy.

It is no secret that there is a minority of women in the entrepreneurial industry. Nevertheless, there are an awful lot of cool female role models out there. When you are an entrepreneur yourself and you are moving into the role of your own and others' boss, it is important to be able to reflect and follow others who have been or are currently on the same journey as you. Inspiration can be found in many places, and one of the great female entrepreneurs in DK and a clear role model is Pernille Lotus. Pernille Lotus is behind the Nordics' largest influencer company WE ARE CUBE.

“She is wildly inspiring and badass. There is no doubt that what she has achieved today has required hard work on all fronts, but has landed in a place where you can only say "wow" - Soffy   

Within the same industry, owner of the marketing agency CONFETTI , Christina Barré is also a great inspiration - it is exciting to follow along on the sidelines and see her company grow steadily and strongly. 

As an entrepreneur, you are very much alone, especially in the start-up, so it is important to expand your network and be inspired by others who have walked the path before you.


The status of Studio About here at the beginning of 2022 is very good, there are a number of challenges with the backlog from corona and the war in Ukraine, but it continues the same course and expects to enter new markets, including Germany and Norway.

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