The weather is constantly changing and March and April can offer all kinds of weather, from frost and snow, to rain and wind, to heat and sunshine. However, the frost usually lets go in April and the garden slowly wakes up from its slumber.
There are many things to do in the garden in April and not least many beautiful harbingers of spring that do not require much care. ENJOY when the sun's rays are warming and look around the beds and thickets, because there are lots of green beauties to be found.
Set the table with vases from the Standing Bubbles and Flower tubes collections.
The month of April is absolutely fantastic and there is so much beautiful greenery to look forward to. Soon the forests will be covered by the finest anemone carpet, you may have already seen the beautiful purple/blue horn violets that are already peeking out in March. In the middle of April, the beech sprouts and all the different willows put buds that look like little goslings.
The month of April is a month of speed and nature almost explodes in the blink of an eye.
If you planted early spring bulbs last year, they will also look forward and start to open, the garden is already host to, among other things, crocus, anemones, erantis and not least the majestic snowdrop. After a winter like this year, when the snow lay thick in the gardens, it is very special to see the small colored flower heads appear through the melting snow. After the first wave of beautiful onion plants, the next stage begins which consists of yellow, red and blue flowers. Pearl hyacinths with their sky blue color and all shades of yellow in the form of various daffodils, pentecostal lilies, daffodils etc. It is also now that the beautiful tulips come out and enrich us with their beauty and not least crispness. We also have a fondness for the more delicate and delicate vibe eggs that sway elegantly in the cold wind.
If you have an outdoor area or a balcony, you can now plant your beds, pots and balcony boxes with the classic pansy or the slightly smaller horn violet - both plants are available in all the colors of the rainbow, so it's just a matter of choosing.
The picture shows one green Standing bubble and one of our new round frames from the Frameless collection.
Did you know that there are around 19 different species of snowdrops? The first snowdrops already appear in the gardens at the end of February and March - if you want to include a snowdrop in your snowdrop letter, it might be a good idea to pick a few and put them under pressure until Easter.
If you are the lucky owner of various snowdrops and they appear in clusters, then after flowering you can dig them up and divide them into smaller clusters - that way you can multiply and spread them out into the garden. If you don't have snowdrops in the garden, they can be bought in September and dug to a depth of 6-8 cm, they do not tolerate much drying out, therefore autumn is best for new plants.
You can easily dig up some snowdrops when their green leaves measure 2-3 cm, place them in your hallway or outside for a few days and then take them into a Standing bubble with a large hole or other pot. Then you can enjoy the beautiful geckos inside.
When the snowdrops shoot up, we all know that spring is on its way and the sun has not forgotten us.
If you have sprouted plants inside in March, now is the time to put them out and new ones can be sown inside - remember to follow the instructions on the back of your seed bags.
You can plant different types of perennials now (a perennial is a plant that comes back year after year), like to mix perennials with summer flowers, spring bulbs and grasses, that way you get a bed that is never empty. There is plenty of inspiration on the web about how you can build a bed that keeps on giving and doesn't need to be weeded as often.
Thrifty, simple and easy to pick up for vases. The small elegant flowers peek out from under bushes and trees, they are beautiful outside, but also look good on the table in a small vase.
The bright blue pearl hyacinth is graceful with its small rows of flowers that look like pearls on a string. If you want to have them in the garden, then you must plant onions in the autumn, preferably in a sunny place. Tete a tete is the small variant of the daffodil, which with its slender stem is perfect for cutting. Like pearl hyacinths, the small daffodil is also perennial, meaning you only have to plant them once and then you can just enjoy them year after year.
April is also the month when the beautiful, glamorous Japanese cherry trees burst forth. They fill the entire Instagram feed with their pink flowers against the clear blue spring sky. Japanese cherry can be easily planted in the garden and is easy to grow. The tree is best planted in autumn, but if you didn't make it, it can easily be planted in early spring, you just have to be aware that it may need water when summer comes. If you are not the lucky owner of a cherry tree, you can fortunately buy some branches from the florist and take the spring inside in a vase - read if necessary. the article about our favorite branches here , where, among other things, the more voluminous magnolia branches also rank high on the list of our favorite harbingers of spring.EASTER TABLE AND BRIGHTER DAYS
For many, Easter time means family time and Easter lunches. The days are getting brighter and brighter and you now know that you have come through the dark winter.
We invite some family for a nice little Easter lunch with the classic cold table, lots of fish, good bread and vegetables. We usually cover the table with greens from the garden, depending on when Easter falls and how the winter has been, it is very variable what you can find for greens.
This year, when Easter falls very early, we take some branches into the heat so that they can have time to get green leaf buds. The table is covered with white dishes and then a lot of color in the form of our own Standing bubbles with a large hole for tealights and watercress, some individual flower tubes in yellow and rose with daffodils or tete-a-tete.
Our large Bubble tube styles with some mixed greens, we are probably lucky enough to be able to cut some forsythia from the garden this year. You can see and get more inspiration for your table setting in our article on the subject, find it here .